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Discover All The Ways You Can Save On Your Premium With CNI Discounts



We take notice when you take care. At Cornerstone, we believe proactive homeowners and drivers deserve to be rewarded for their safe habits. That's why we carefully crafted a long list of unique policy discounts designed to bring out the best in every CNI policy. Check out all the ways you can save at CNI.

Is Your Property A Good Candidate For Inland Flood Coverage? [Learn More About This CNI Endorsement Offered Exclusively To Our OK, AR, & IL Homeowners]

Fact: Floods are the number one most frequently occurring natural disaster in the United States, and the most costly, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

This statistic probably comes as no surprise, given the Midwest's many notorious flooding disasters over the years. But flooding events affect every part of the country, and uninsured homeowners in low-to-moderate risk areas are often unprotected against severe losses, leaving them with expensive out-of-pocket repair costs.

Cornerstone National Insurance Now Offers A Packaged Product So You Can Conveniently Protect Your Home & Vehicle With One Carrier

Who doesn't love a good package? Ask any Amazon customer, and they'll agree. If you online-shop from time to time at Jeff Bezos' highly addictive virtual superstore of all the things, you can relate to the picture we're about to paint. You come home to see a brown box stamped with that iconic grin disguised as an arrow lying on the porch, and you're overcome by child-like joy. As you rip the tape off that box and lay eyes on the steal of a deal you literally just ordered last night (shoutout next-day shipping), it's gratifying.

Just Grow With It: A Collection Of Lessons Learned About Adapting To Change And Staying Positive During Trying Times



Life is full of seasons. And I'm not just referring to the beautifully guaranteed weather-related kind. I'm talking about the unexpected series of hours, days, months, or even years that creep in quietly - or obnoxiously loud - and challenge us in all kinds of ways... the positive kind... the negative kind... or maybe a little bit of both.  

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